When you can't believe your eyes : vision loss and personal recovery

Title When you can't believe your eyes : vision loss and personal recovery
Names Fairbairn, Hannah.
Book Number DBC11619
Title Status Active
Medium Digital Book
Annotation With a special emphasis on the challenges faced by seniors with failing vision, this highly practical how-to focuses on practical, social, and personal recovery for adults who are losing their sight.
Narrator Yuill, Judie.
Local Subject Massachusetts author - MAA
Disability Interest - DII
Assistive technology - KIT
Disability - Visual Impairment, Blindness - DIV
Self Esteem - SET
Independent Living Skills - IDL
Social welfare problems & services - 362
Social problems & services association - 360
Self Help - SHL
Audience Notes Female narrator.
LC Subject People with visual disabilities - Services for - United States
Blind - Services for - United States
People with visual disabilities - Rehabilitation
Blind - Rehabilitation
People with visual disabilities - Psychology
Blind - Psychology
Oral communication
Downloadable books
Talking books
Call Number 362.4180973 ANF
Language English
Released 2019
Publication Info Watertown, MA Perkins Library 2019
Original Publication Recorded from: Springfield, Illinois : Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Ltd., 2019.
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